Batimastat (BB-94)

製品コードS7155 バッチS715502



 Chemical Structure Synonyms N/A Storage
(From the date of receipt)
3 years -20°C powder
1 years -80°C in solvent


分子量 477.64 CAS No. 130370-60-4
Solubility (25°C)* 体外 DMSO 96 mg/mL (200.98 mM)
Water Insoluble
Ethanol Insoluble
体内 (毎回新しく調製した物を用意してください)
Clear solution
5%DMSO 40%PEG300 5%Tween80 50%ddH2O
6.0mg/ml Taking the 1 mL working solution as an example, add 50 μL of 120 mg/ml clarified DMSO stock solution to 400 μL of PEG300, mix evenly to clarify it; add 50 μL of Tween80 to the above system, mix evenly to make it clear; then continue to add 500 μL of ddH2O to adjust the volume to 1 mL. The mixed solution should be used immediately for optimal results. 
* <1 mg/ml means slightly soluble or insoluble.
* Please note that Selleck tests the solubility of all compounds in-house, and the actual solubility may differ slightly from published values. This is normal and is due to slight batch-to-batch variations.



製品説明 Batimastat (BB-94) is a potent, broad spectrum matrix metalloprotease (MMP) inhibitor for MMP-1, MMP-2, MMP-9, MMP-7 and MMP-3 with IC50 of 3 nM, 4 nM, 4 nM, 6 nM and 20 nM, respectively. Also inhibits the activitity of other metalloproteases, such as ADAM17.
in vitro

Batimastat (BB-94) is a potent, broad spectrum matrix metalloprotease (MMP) inhibitor for MMP-1, MMP-2, MMP-9, MMP-7 and MMP-3 with IC50 of 3 nM, 4 nM, 4 nM, 6 nM and 20 nM, respectively. [1]

Batimastat exhibits an unexpected binding geometry, with the thiophene ring deeply inserted into the primary specificity site. [2]

in vivo

Batimastat can inhibit metastatic spread and growth of B16-BL6 murine melanoma. [1]

In an orthotopic colon tumor model in mice, timastat treatment results in inhibition of primary tumor growth (by 50%), local/regional spread(from 67% to 35%), and distant metastasis(from 30% to 10%).[3]

Batimastat reduces in vivo growth of experimental hemangiomas, most probably by blocking endothelial cell recruitment by the transformed cells or by interfering with cell organization in vascular structures. [4]


キナーゼアッセイ Enzyme assays
IC50s are determined for batimastat in vitro against different metalloproteinases in enzyme assays.
細胞アッセイ 細胞株 B16-BL6 cells
濃度 3 nM (MMP-1), 4 nM (MMP-2 & MMP-9), 6 nM (MMP-7) and 20 nM (MMP-3), respectively
反応時間 22 h

Cells were treated with different concentrations of batimastat was dissolved in absolute ethanol and were incubated for 22 hr and IC50 was measured.

動物実験 動物モデル Nude mouse
投薬量 30mg/ml
投与方法 i.p.


Data from [Data independently produced by , , Nature, 2017, 549(7673):533-537]

Data from [Data independently produced by , , PLoS One, 2015, 10(5): e0127063]

Data from [Data independently produced by , , Biomed Rep, 2016, 4(1):73-78. ]


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