Orantinib (SU6668)


Orantinib (TSU-68, SU6668) has greatest potency against PDGFR autophosphorylation with Ki of 8 nM in a cell-free assay, but also strongly inhibits Flk-1 and FGFR1 trans-phosphorylation, little activity against IGF-1R, Met, Src, Lck, Zap70, Abl and CDK2; does not inhibit EGFR. Phase 3.

Orantinib (SU6668)化学構造

CAS No. 252916-29-3

サイズ 価格(税別) 在庫状況
10mM (1mL in DMSO) JPY 29500 国内在庫あり
JPY 22000 国内在庫あり
JPY 34000 国内在庫あり

代表番号: 045-509-1970|電子メール:[email protected]




現在のバッチを見る: 純度: 99.73%

Orantinib (SU6668)関連製品




製品説明 Orantinib (TSU-68, SU6668) has greatest potency against PDGFR autophosphorylation with Ki of 8 nM in a cell-free assay, but also strongly inhibits Flk-1 and FGFR1 trans-phosphorylation, little activity against IGF-1R, Met, Src, Lck, Zap70, Abl and CDK2; does not inhibit EGFR. Phase 3.
PDGFRβ [1]
(Cell-free assay)
8 nM(Ki)
In Vitro
In vitro TSU-68 is a competitive inhibitor, with regard to ATP, to Flk-1/KDR trans-phosphorylation, FGFR1 trans-phosphorylation, and PDGFRβ kinases autophosphorylation. TSU-68 (0.03-10 μM) inhibits tyrosine phosphorylation of KDR in VEGF stimulated HUVECs. TSU-68 also inhibits PDGF-stimulated PDGFRβ tyrosine phosphorylation in NIH-3T3 cells overexpressing PDGFRβ at a minimum concentration of 0.03-0.1 μM. TSU-68 inhibits acidic FGF-induced phosphorylation of the FGFR1 substrate 2 at 10 μM and higher. However, TSU-68 (up to 100 μM) has no effect on EGF-stimulated EGFR tyrosine phosphorylation in NIH-3T3 cells overexpressing EGFR. TSU-68 inhibits VEGF-driven and FGF-driven mitogenesis of HUVECs with mean IC50 of 0.34 μM and 9.6 μM, respectively. [1] In human myeloid leukemia MO7E cells, TSU-68 inhibits the tyrosine autophosphorylation of stem cell factor (SCF) receptor, c-kit, with IC50 of 0.1-1 μM, as well as ERK1/2 phosphorylation, a signaling event downstream of c-kit activation. TSU-68 also inhibits SCF-induced proliferation of MO7E cells with IC50 of 0.29 μM, and induces apoptosis. [2]
Kinase Assay trans-Phosphorylation Reactions
Tyrosine kinase assays to quantitate the trans-phosphorylation activity of Flk-1 and FGFR1 are performed in 96-well microtiter plates precoated (20 μg/well in PBS; incubated overnight at 4 °C) with the peptide substrate poly-Glu,Tyr (4:1). Excess protein binding sites are blocked with 1-5% (w/v) BSA in PBS. Purified GST-FGFR1 (kinase domain) or GST-Flk-1 (cytoplasmic domain) fusion proteins are then added to the microtiter wells in 2 × concentration kinase dilution buffer consisting of 100 mM HEPES, 50 mM NaCl, 40 μM NaVO4, and 0.02% (w/v) BSA. The final enzyme concentration for GST-Flk-1 and GST-FGFR1 is 50 ng/mL. SU6668 is dissolved in DMSO at 100× the final required concentration and diluted 1:25 in H2O. Twenty-five μL of diluted SU6668 are subsequently added to each reaction well. The kinase reaction is initiated by the addition of different concentrations of ATP in a solution of MnCl2 so that the final ATP concentrations spanned the Km for the enzyme, and the final concentration of MnCl2 is 10 mM. The plates are incubated for 5-15 min at room temperature before stopping the reaction with the addition of EDTA. The plates are then washed three times with TBST. Rabbit polyclonal antiphosphotyrosine antisera are added to the wells at a 1: 10000 dilution in TBST containing 0.5% (w/v) BSA, 0.025% (w/v) nonfat dry milk, and 100 μM NaVO4 and incubated for 1 hour at 37 °C. The plates are then washed three times with TBST, followed by the addition of goat anti-rabbit antisera conjugated with HRP. The plates are incubated for 1 hour at 37 °C and then washed three times with TBST. The amount of phosphotyrosine in each well is quantitated after the addition of 2,2
細胞実験 細胞株 HUVECs, and NIH-3T3 cells overexpressing PDGFRβ or EGFR
濃度 0.03-10 μM , dissolved in DMSO as 10 mM stock solution
反応時間 1 hour (before ligand stimulation)

Cells are seeded (3 × 105 cells/35-mm well) in DMEM containing 10% (v/v) FBS and grow to confluence and then quiesced in DMEM containing 0.1% serum for 2 hours before drug treatment. HUVECs (seeded at 2 × 106 cells/10-cm plate) are grown to confluence in endothelial cell growth media and then quiesced in endothelial cell basal media containing 0.5% FBS for 24 hours before drug treatment. All cell lines are incubated with SU6668 for 1 hour before ligand stimulation (100 ng/mL) for 10 min. Western blotting is perfor

In Vivo
In Vivo TSU-68 (75-200 mg/kg) induces tumor growth inhibition against a broad range of tumor types in xenograft models in athymic mice, including A375, Colo205, H460, Calu-6, C6, SF763T, and SKOV3TP5 cells. TSU-68 (75 mg/kg) also suppresses tumor angiogenesis of C6 glioma xenografts. [1] In a tumor model of HT29 human colon carcinoma, TSU-68 (200 mg/kg) decreases the average vessel permeability and average fractional plasma volume in the tumor rim and core. TSU-68 promotes abnormal stromal development at the periphery of carcinomas. [3] In a rabbit VX2 liver tumor model, TSU-68 (200 mg/kg) augments the effect of chemotherapeutic infusion. [4]
動物実験 動物モデル Mouse (Female, BALB/c, nu/nu) xenograft models of A375, Colo205, H460, Calu-6, C6, SF763T, and SKOV3TP5 tumor cells
投与量 75-200 mg/kg
投与経路 Via i.p. injection or oral gavage once daily.


分子量 310.35 化学式


CAS No. 252916-29-3 SDF Download Orantinib (SU6668) SDFをダウンロードする
Smiles CC1=C(NC(=C1CCC(=O)O)C)C=C2C3=CC=CC=C3NC2=O

In vitro

DMSO : 62 mg/mL ( (199.77 mM); 吸湿したDMSOは溶解度を減少させます。新しいDMSOをご使用ください。)

Water : Insoluble

Ethanol : Insoluble


in vivo

Add solvents to the product individually and in order.




質量 濃度 体積 分子量



mg/kg g μL


% DMSO % % Tween 80 % ddH2O


投与溶媒濃度: mg/ml;

DMSOストック溶液調製方法: mg 試薬を μL DMSOに溶解する(濃度 mg/mL, 注:濃度が当該ロットのDMSO溶解度を超える場合はご連絡ください。 )

投与溶媒調製方法:Take μL DMSOストック溶液に μL PEG300,を加え、完全溶解後μL Tween 80,を加えて完全溶解させた後 μL ddH2O,を加え完全に溶解させます。

投与溶媒調製方法:μL DMSOストック溶液に μL Corn oil,を加え、完全溶解。




Handling Instructions


* 必須

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Tags: Orantinib (SU6668)を買う | Orantinib (SU6668) ic50 | Orantinib (SU6668)供給者 | Orantinib (SU6668)を購入する | Orantinib (SU6668)費用 | Orantinib (SU6668)生産者 | オーダーOrantinib (SU6668) | Orantinib (SU6668)化学構造 | Orantinib (SU6668)分子量 | Orantinib (SU6668)代理店