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  • G-quadruplexモジュレータ(1)
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S7444 Pyridostatin Trifluoroacetate Salt Pyridostatin Trifluoroacetate Salt is a G-quadruplexe stabilizer with Kd of 490 nM in a cell-free assay, which targets a series of proto-oncogenes.
Sci Adv, 2023, 9(49):eadi6681
Nucleic Acids Res, 2021, gkab500
Aging (Albany NY), 2021, 13(12):15917-15941
S7444 Pyridostatin Trifluoroacetate Salt Pyridostatin Trifluoroacetate Salt is a G-quadruplexe stabilizer with Kd of 490 nM in a cell-free assay, which targets a series of proto-oncogenes.
Sci Adv, 2023, 9(49):eadi6681
Nucleic Acids Res, 2021, gkab500
Aging (Albany NY), 2021, 13(12):15917-15941


Tags: G-quadruplex inhibitor|G-quadruplex agonist|G-quadruplex activator|G-quadruplex inducer|G-quadruplex antagonist|G-quadruplex signaling pathway|G-quadruplex assay kit